Welcome to the first summer issue of Imaginarium.
As the temperature is rising and often so is the mood. The sun, the source of life, always brings us one step closer to wellness. Alice Carter-Jones has prepared a beautiful article for this issue ''Shining like the sun this summer solstice'', as we prepare for the summer solstice celebration and our holiday season.
Our dear mythalogist Evangelia Papanikou takes us on a tour of the Greek islands. Myth-hopping to the magical Greek islands where you can meet gods and heroes.
Also this June we are getting ready for the fairy festival. The fairies are the big feature of our issue; an introduction to the creatures that fascinate believers and nonbelievers. The magic doesn't end here, of course.
We excitedly welcome Amanda Larkman who talks to us about her magical trilogy titled ''The woman and the witch''.
We are also pleased to welcome Lia Ness and her magical underwater photography. Lia takes us into a watery world full of mermaids and beautiful water creatures. Many thanks to her for the beautiful photos and the cover of the magazine and congratulations as recently her mermaid photo won in an annual photography competition.
On this issue, we will also have original poetry by Japneet Chandoak and a short story "Moon Ransom" by Selena Thomason.
Of course, as always, we will be joining the classroom for astrology classes with me, and tarot classes with our dear witch and healer Fiona Beth. We will explore Neptune and the Secrets of the Devil and the Tower of Tarot. In this issue, I am also pleased to welcome Hilary Spiteri who helps us to connect with Jupiter in Aries and its fiery energy!
Grab your brooms and fly to Fairy Glen of Wales, to discover some fairies and join us in the Witch's Cabinet for some magical and beauty rituals with the power of the Moon.