Welcome to Imaginarium World.
In this issue, we rejoice in summer and welcome autumn, a time to count our blessings as we prepare for the winter months. Isabelle Hanneuse takes us on a journey into her world, sharing with us zodiacal and other portraits. Katarzyna Anders cooks for us and talks about her blog Fotokulinarnie and the magic of cooking. In this issue, we swim with mermaids, travel to the medieval town of Rhodes to learn about the myth of the knight and the monster, and in Aeaea, we are welcomed by the powerful witch Circe and talk about her secrets and her life. We will admire the art of Melanie Delon and, as always, go into the classroom for our astrology lessons. Alongside our lessons, we will also be looking at articles on current astrological affairs. Finally, we will learn about the element Earth, continue our lessons on Bach Flower Remedies, and in our Tarot lessons we will study the Pentacles and the history of the famous Waite - Smith Tarot deck.