Welcome to the Autumn Issue
We have finally reached the most witching time of the year. The sun is descending, we are entering the scorpion season, Nature is changing colours and becoming passionate with red on the leaves of the trees, while we celebrate the darkest yet most enchanting mysteries!
On October 31st, as we all know, we celebrate Samhain or Halloween. And on November 16 we have the night of Hekate, where we make a Supper in her honour. So honouring this season, this issue is quite dark and mysterious.
Our guest of honour is Naya Kotko with her amazing dark yet luminous photographs.
In this issue, we also feature a second young photographer, Grace Patten who despite her young age captures the essence of gothic romance with her lens.
This season in Imaginarium World we host the wonderful artist Freya. Freya opens the doors of her shop and welcomes us to Mystical Crow.
In this issue, we also welcome a vampire, a gothic literature author who has made it his life's mission to revive Gothic. William Bove tells us about himself, his books, the Gothic Revival, and more.
In addition to our guests, we have our beloved regular contributors who have prepared excellent articles for you once again.
Join us at the Oracle of Delphi to learn about the Mysteries as well as Dionysus and Apollo. Let's go to North America together to learn about the legend of the Three Sisters too.
We will prepare ourselves for this new season by cleansing our aura and our body of the toxicity we are accumulating, a season that demands - for it is also the season of the Scorpio after all - that we cleanse ourselves energetically and regenerate.
Also this issue we will learn about the Witches Hammer, the book that fueled the witch trials in the Middle Ages, the Malleus Maleficarum. We will learn about the life and work of Gustave Doré, an amazing and classic artist who has illustrated the most haunting classic stories and more. As in every issue, we also have our astrology and tarot lessons as well as an elemental lesson and a herbology lesson. In the Witch's Cabinet, you will find several recipes and rituals to make this wonderful time of year even more mystical.