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New Moon in Pisces: A gateway to Heaven or to Violence?

Writer's picture: Imaginarium MagazineImaginarium Magazine

The New Moon of Solidarity in turbulent times. By Anastasia Diakidi

Dear friends,

Tomorrow at 5:34 pm UT we will have a wonderful New Moon in the sign of Pisces with the participation of Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus.

These planets create a fertile field to plant the seeds for something beautiful that will give us hope, resolution and vision for the future.

When Jupiter and Neptune come together they bring to the world intense idealism, charity, vision and solidarity.

How wonderful is this at a time when in Europe we are facing another cosmic crisis?

Many of us will be asking ourselves what it is that we can do to help with the current situation in Ukraine. Most of us feel too small to change the course of history, but the New Moon says just the opposite.

We are too big when we are united.

Jupiter's presence with Neptune usually gives boundless, magnified situations. But history has shown that the pairing of these planets has always brought with it both hope and the power of the people.

Jupiter and Neptune will complete their conjunction later (April 2022) so the synodic cycle that will begin will not be fully explained now. However, I would just like to briefly mention that Jupiter and Neptune's meetings in the past have brought: the league of nations, alliances, liberal movements, revolutionary movements for independence, liberalism and many more.

It is important to mention that in the cycle of these two in the past we have had the end of World War I in '18 and the end of World War II in '45.

This moon which will take place on March 2, 2022 I believe will bring the gift of peace to the world. Of course this will be done only with solidarity but also with the unity of peoples. I try to remain optimistic but the New Moon gives a message: this cannot be resolved without the unity of people and nations. This is not a time to be is time for self-sacrifice.

The planet Uranus participating in the formation of the New Moon with a sextile aspect gives revolutionary solutions, but for the good of humanity.

We could say that it is the best New Moon of the year if it did not involve two difficult aspects, at least for the cosmic scene.

The planets Mars, Venus and Pluto meet at 27 degrees Capricorn, a degree that many astrologers call the "gateway to violence". With Mars conjunct Pluto we are talking about hostilities, battle for survival, warfare and of course death. Venus participating in this formation magnifies fatal situations on a financial level.

The fact that Saturn and Mercury are also conjunct shows us the pessimism of the days and the serious decisions that will have to be taken by the leaders to stop the war in Ukraine.

In the UK chart, the New Moon falls exactly on the cusp of the 6th house. An indication that the country will probably be forced to provide aid and services or volunteers, doctors and other scientists for the alleviation of pain.

The Uranus of the New Moon finds the UK's Mars, planet ruling the country's chart: agreements with other states or organizations, negotiations, the country's opponents and also its racial, political and national interests.

Also Mars in the country's chart rules the financial reserves of the state, the banks, the monetary system, price fluctuations.

Of course this conjunction of Uranus and Mars is not the first time this has happened, it has been going on since May 2021 and indeed since then we have seen a rise in prices, issues with the financial reserves of the state and of course agreements with other states and organizations.

But I believe that this latest conjunction of Uranus and Mars, as we have the New Moon of the month, will probably give the country economic intervention to another state, possibly Ukraine given that this intervention will be -as we said- for humanitarian purposes, for providing services, volunteerism, medicine, doctors and so on.

But apart from the country as a government, the same assistance can be provided by us, the citizens of the country.

Britain is already mobilised for the possibility of a large influx of refugees from Ukraine.

Those who can contribute financially or otherwise will find information below.

But in any case we can all use the energy of Jupiter with Neptune on a more idealistic level and with prayer - the witches even with a circle of protection or spells- to plant the seed of peace together.

Anyone can simply light a candle and pray regardless of religions and beliefs.

Beyond the mundane level, the New Moon is truly beneficial for everyone on a personal level. But especially for Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio.

Set your intentions, dream big, while remain open to new possibilities.

The New Moon speaks of faith and vision.

It is a good time to begin creative visualization and bring into your life the belief that you will succeed.

As mentioned, the planet Jupiter favours expansion and combined with the energy of the New Moon we will see expansion, optimism and luck where we least expect it. Don't forget that Uranus is involved making a positive sextile to the New Moon which means that changes will be sudden and opportunities for renewal will bring excitement and unexpected solutions.

The difficult conjunction of Mars and Venus with Pluto may on a cosmic level portend difficulties and stressful situations, but on a personal level it is an aspect that can bring great determination, strength and dedication to the goal.

They are powerful aspects as they make us overcome all obstacles.

The only thing we need to watch out for is our negative thoughts and toxicity. Don't waste such a significant amount of energy on power struggles. Use it to succeed and change your life.

Favoured ones are:

Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn who have planets or Ascendant/Mercury between 10-14° in the above signs.

The influence of the New Moon is significant for those who have planets or ascendant at 25-28° in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio.


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