Due to Saturn's retrograde motion until 23rd October, an article/lesson about the old Devil.

Saturn is the sixth planet of our solar system and the third of the outer planets. It orbits about 1426 million km from the Sun and has an atmosphere composed mainly of hydrogen.
Saturn was in ancient times the most distant planet in our solar system. Because of its distant position and its extreme cold and dry nature, Saturn was called the Great Malefic. Ancient astrologers attributed all kinds of evil to it. He, like Mars, was responsible for all the evils that occur in the world.
The Arab astrologer Abu Ma'shar (August 787 - 9 March 886),
says the following:
''Therefore, the nature of Saturn is cold, dry, melancholic, dark, of heavy harshness. And perhaps he will be cold [and] moist, heavy, of stinking odor, and he is of much eating and true esteem. And he signifies works of moisture and the cultivation of land, and peasants, and village companions, and the settlement of lands, also buildings and waters and rivers, and the quantities or measures of things, and the divisions of the earth, also affluence and a multitude of assets, and masteries which are done by hand, greed and the greatest poverty and the poor. And he signifies travel by sea, and foreign travel [that is] far away and at great length, and bad. And cleverness, envy and wits and seductions, and boldness in dangers and impediment, and hesitation, and being singular, and a scarcity of association with men, and pride and magnanimity and bluffing and bragging and the subjection of men, also the managers of a kingdom and of every work which comes to be with force and with evil and injuries and a tendency to anger, even warriors and fettering and prison, also truth in words, and esteem, and prudence and understanding, and experience, and offense, and obstinacy, and a multitude of thoughts and a depth of counsel, and insistence, and stubbornness in [his] method. He does not easily get angry, and if he were angry he would not be able to rule his own mind. He wishes good to no one. And he signifies old men and weighty men and burdens and fear, griefs and sorrow, and the complication of the mind. And fraud and affliction and difficulty and loss; also ancestors and what is left behind by the dead, mourning, and being orphaned, and old things. Even grandfathers and fathers and brothers, and senior people and slaves and mule drivers and men who are blamed, and robbers and those who dig up graves and who rob the garments of the dead. And fitters of leather and those who blame things. He signifies magicians and masters of discord, and low-class men and eunuchs. And he signifies a great length of thought and a scarcity of speaking and the knowledge of secrets, and one does not know what is in his mind, nor does a wise person make disclosures to him about every obscure matter. And he signifies austerity and the ascetics of religions.
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[From Great. Introduction VII.9.1390-1423, translated by Benjamin Dykes 2010]

As we see from Abu Ma'shar and other astrologers of antiquity, Saturn in ancient times was something like the devil. Any positive attributes he had, were only if and when he was in the position of rulership or exaltation.
Saturn rules the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius (traditionally, before the discovery of the planet Uranus. Although some modern astrologers even today embrace that Aquarius has more in common with Saturn than Uranus but that's another discussion). Not coincidentally, ''Saturn's rulership is in Capricorn, the sign that occupies the zenith of the zodiac and is in the most prominent part of the zodiac that dominates and controls everything by administering justice'', says the great Greek astrologer Theodora Dakou.
The planet's exaltation is in the sign of Libra. It is no coincidence that the sign of balance, justice, and supreme harmony finds Saturn in accord and thus powerful.
In placements where Saturn is not well placed, i.e. does not have power, such as the placements of Cancer, Leo, and Aries, man loses his stability, feels weak and insecure. Today in psychoanalytical terms we can explain this, as the inadequacy felt by the individual often manifests itself in neuroses and feelings of inferiority. By extension, all of the above isolate the individual from the objective assessment of things and eventually, the problem itself becomes gigantic and thus the complexes of the individual are created. Saturn is associated with progress only when the individual becomes detached and decides to see the limits of his problems; when he is able to move on and maturely search for the cause of the imbalance and lead himself to balance. If the person fails to detach himself from this vicious cycle, Saturn may indeed be his greatest evil.

In modern astrology, we see more clearly that Saturn is essentially the boundaries of the physical world. The limits of logic; οur responsibilities, our obligations, our constants, the fundamentals we have built our lives on. In him, we will find the brake, the fatherly voice that intercepts our freedom, or the judge that constantly mutters our deficiencies.
He is considered a villain but he will always tell you the truth. He is cruel and relentless but richly rewards those who have withstood his trials. He rewards the patient- his slow nature does not go along with frivolity or haste. He needs maturity, organization, discipline. Such people he certainly rewards. His presence often in transits is stabilizing and gives longevity to anything built on a solid foundation. Saturn is indispensable as he is the one who puts the brakes on animal instincts, the one who gives fear but also the method in stamping out the dangers of life. With Saturn, we can have clear boundaries of space and ourselves.

Because of this nature of his, Saturn's influence is often associated with our parents. In too many horoscopes we will see the placement of Saturn giving characteristics primarily of the father. For others, the father figure gives stability, while for others it is their great wound as they have experienced harshness, intense criticism, and strictness.
So depending on the placement of Saturn we can see how the person experienced their father at a young age. Of course, other elements in the chart are also examined.
Apart from the father we can see the man's relationship with his superiors, the man's fears and which people frighten him, his responsibility, and who he considers himself most responsible for.
According to Reinhold Embertin, Saturn symbolizes inhibition and concentration. In its positive psychological correspondences, we will find concentration, seriousness, economy, and the ability to learn from experience. In its negative psychological correspondences, we will find inhibition, melancholy, loneliness, isolation, stinginess, and lack of adaptability.

Its biological correspondences are: bones, crystallizations of the body, organ losses, sclerosis, and old age.
His social correspondences based on Ebertin are: breadwinner people, people with grief or limitations, and those involved in agriculture, mining, and real estate.
Based on Stephen Arroyo's Handbook :
Saturn in fire signs needs to stabilize one's identity and express one's creative energy objectively. The person should try to express themselves more freely, with enthusiasm and responsibility.
In earth signs, the person needs to stabilize efficiency and precision in the world and in how they handle their daily responsibilities. The person needs to try to master the physical world but also develop a more systematic approach.
With Saturn in air signs, the person needs to stabilize his thinking and discipline in mind without falling into the rut of pessimism and should make an effort to communicate clearly and practically as well as competently handle social obligations with sincerity but maintaining detachment.

In the water signs, one needs to stabilize his emotions and sensitivities by expressing his emotions more freely but at the same time being more detached from them. Effort should be given to expressing emotion with self-acceptance while disciplining over-sensitivity.
The theosophist astrologer Alan Leo, in his work How to judge a nativity (1903) says: "Saturn governs the sense of hearing, a negative or receptive sense. The listener suggests patience, forbearance, silence, and caution. The planetary vibration of Saturn restricts limits, crystallises, and binds everything; holding, restraining, fashioning, and solidifying all that comes under its sphere of influence. Sat-urn is, figuratively speaking, the urn that holds the Sat. This Sanskrit word Sat signifies that one ever-present reality in the infinite world; the divine essence which is, but cannot be said to exist.' In this sense Saturn governs the encircling limit of the consciousness, the 'ring pass not' for each individual in manifestation."
Saturn travels twelve degrees of the zodiac per year and the entire zodiac in about 28 to 29 years (29.46 years around the sun). By extension, a person has his Saturn return- that is, the return of Saturn to the position it occupied in the person's natal chart- every 28 to 29 years. The first Saturn return, that is, just before 30, is what we call the first midlife crisis. This is where the young person is called upon - perhaps for the first time in his or her life - to put structure and behave with maturity. Many times in a person's Saturn return we will see major events occur, such as a marriage or having a child that puts you into a different and disciplined life where the ego is no longer the -only- priority.
In the second Saturnian return, at around 56 years of age, people are usually more mature, so this is where Saturn favours them the most. For many, it is the time when they reach the peak of their career or generally, they are rewarded for the work and efforts of the previous years.

Saturn, however, is a planet that does not forget. If during his cycle you have behaved with maturity, discipline but above all with integrity, it is believed that he will reward you. But if there was immorality or someone 'stepped over dead bodies', Saturn will be relentless. And his return will come simply to seal the man's 'punishment'.
The difficult ages are also the following: 6-7, 21-22, 36-37, 52,66, 81. These ages are difficult because Saturn makes a 90-degree angle with its zodiacal position in the person's natal chart and therefore the person is afflicted with trials and hard work.
Saturn is subject to the cycle of 7, the 29.5 years it takes to turn the zodiac equates to a period of about 7 years, where Saturn takes to travel through every three signs of the zodiac. This means that every 7 years we have a major aspect of Saturn to its natal position (conjunction, square, opposition).

Saturn is part of our infallible inner clock, says Liz Greene in her work Relating.
The same emphasis on the 7-year cycle is found in religious and occult traditions, where the 7-year cycle goes hand in hand with physical as well as psychological growth and spiritual evolution.
The great Cayce in his psychic readings always refers to the 7-year cycle, especially in relation to health problems. Specifically, he says:
"For, have ye not heard how that constantly there is the change, and that the body has in a seven-year cycle reproduced itself entirely? No need for anyone, then, to have any disturbance over that length of period, if-by common sense-there would be the care taken. But if your mind holds to it, and you've got a stumped toe, it will stay stumped! If you've got a bad condition in your gizzard or liver, you'll keep it-if you think so! But the body the physical, the mental and spiritual-will remove the same, if ye will let it and not hold to the disturbance! (#257-249)''
... were an anatomical or pathological study made for a period of seven years (which is a cycle of change in all the body-elements) of one that is acted upon through the third eye alone, we will find one fed upon spiritual things become a light that may shine from and in the darkest corner. One fed upon the purely material will become a Frankenstein that is without a concept of any influence other than material or mental. (#262-20)''

In 1948 Grant Lewis published the book Astrology for the Millions, where he tried to give a better understanding of the cycles of Saturn. So in this work, he says that every transition, every Saturn age passage, goes hand in hand with a psychological discovery. A theory that Carl Jung had developed years earlier, where he said that psychological crises always go hand in hand with either Saturn or Uranus transits. According to Karl Jung, Saturn is what is called the "shadow", the ''lower'' human nature, the most primitive.
In any case, all astrologers agree that Saturn's cycles provide us with a precise clock of human development, maturation, and psychological and spiritual evolution. It is no coincidence that the master planet Saturn is also called the Lord of Karma (in greek Is Kronos/ Chronos (meaning Time), as these lessons, in its important passages, manifest everything already mentioned above, which man naturally perceives as fate, karma or destiny.
In 1948 Grant Lewis produced the book Astrology for the Millions, where he tried to give a better understanding of the cycles of Saturn. So in this work he says that every transition, every Saturn age passage, goes hand in hand with a psychological discovery. A theory that Carl Jung had developed earlier, where he said that psychological crises always go hand in hand with either Saturn or Uranus transits. According to Karl Jung, Saturn is what is called the "shadow", the lower human nature, the most primitive.
In any case, all astrologers agree that Saturn's cycles provide us with a precision clock of human development, maturation, and psychological and spiritual evolution. It is no coincidence that the master planet Saturn is also called the Lord of Karma, as these lessons, in its important passages, combine everything already mentioned above, which man naturally perceives as fate, karma, or destiny.

The planet Saturn is examined in all its transits as it marks periods when hard work and self-restraint are essential. In a transit through a house in our chart, we will find the part of life that is being tested. The house represents the area of life where this great tension will come and where we need to put more emphasis and also work harder. In Saturn's contacts with natal planets, we will see the energies in our lives that are subject to test and the patterns of behaviour we need to examine. Many people experience Saturn transits as an external force that is out of control. As if they are the result of fate. However, this is not always true. In his contacts with personal planets, the individual is responsible for his fate, for better or worse. Saturn is a planet that does not forget, as we said. Often what comes into our lives as fate, is the result of our own wrong behaviours. But in any case, Saturn helps us to get what we need in life. Many of us don't know what it is we want but through Saturn's testing, we often find the meaning of life. As mentioned above, it is in these contacts that we can also find the stability of life. Not coincidentally in a Saturn transit we may get a promotion or raise our status, get justice for an injustice that happened against us, even many years ago. All transits of Saturn are difficult, but the ones extremely difficult are - apart from Saturn Returns - the periods when Saturn makes difficult aspects to the Sun and especially the Moon.

Saturn in Aries: the energy of this sign is limited when Saturn is in this position. He may be confident at times but lack the energy to meet challenges. At other times he may have the energy but lack the courage. Many times these people may also have some physical weakness and very often we will see very low self-confidence as the Aries ego is affected by Saturn's hardness. There is an energy imbalance that brings frustration when the person is not successful. Saturn can give head problems, accidents, and headaches. In this position, we will find military and other professions in security forces. In negative aspects, it will give excessive ego and immaturity. The karmic lesson is that a person should rely on his own strength and not blame others for any failures in his life. The individual must overcome his fear or complex to achieve success.
Saturn in Taurus: Saturn in a sign of patience and caution increases the need for financial security and emotional stability. With this placement, we will very often see individuals have slow but rising success as Saturn in Taurus waits for the right time to make any decision. It can be indicative of problems with the throat, thyroid, or voice. In this position, we will find professions related to beauty or music. We can also see people who work with plants and flowers or in the fashion industry. In negative aspects, we will see materialism, self-interest, laziness, and also chronic diseases. The karmic lesson of the sign is not to sacrifice their lives to achieve a social position but also not to give material possessions more value than they have. Individuals are usually asked to work on their own values and self-esteem.
Saturn in Gemini: this placement gives the organized mind as Saturn stabilizes and organizes the chaos of Gemini's thinking. There is a discipline in verbal communication although sometimes they can be harsh with their words. Children in this position may have speech delays. Throughout their lives, however, individuals have anxiety about not expressing themselves properly. It can generally give problems with speech, as well as with the hands or lungs and the nervous system. In this placement, we will find occupations such as journalists, teachers (especially of foreign languages), drivers, and jobs in the media or post office. In difficult aspects, we will see problems with siblings and relatives, any motor disabilities, and narrow perception. The karmic lesson is for the individual to learn to think positively and not approach life with negativity. To succeed, the person must develop balance in their mind and communication and gain discipline in their speech.
Saturn in Cancer: in this placement, there is a strong need for security. Individuals prefer formal relationships as they are seen as providing more security and stability. Often there is trauma with family, very difficult childhoods, and hardship in the family. There are barriers to expressing emotions. They have a strong desire to create a family. Saturn in this placement can give problems with the chest, breasts, and stomach. In this placement, we will find professions like carers, cooks, nurses, nursery teachers. People are also good at professions related to history, and tradition or folklore. In difficult aspects, they may show schizoid tendencies between sensitivity and reason. The karmic lesson of the sign is to learn to have compassion for others and to be responsible. One must learn to accept the limitations of life and oneself and set boundaries on one's own. The person must learn not to fear loneliness.

Saturn in Leo: Here there is determination, organisational, and leadership skills but also loyalty. The will of the person is strong, although the flame of the sign is not so evident. There are often problems with children or playfulness and these people may wish not to have children. They may also have difficulties with their love life or find love late in life. They are generally strict with themselves and have self-discipline. This placement may give problems with the heart. Artistic professions will be found in this placement, as well as professions related to children and entertainment. We often find businessmen and also people in leadership positions. In negative aspects, the person has to be careful about their reputation, megalomania, and authoritarianism. One's karmic lesson is to learn to give love and generosity from one's heart, as well as to learn to be humble.
Saturn in Virgo: in this placement, we have people with a strong sense of duty. They are well-organized and abhor messiness and disorganization. They are usually overly critical of their subordinates. They are obsessed with detail and have high demands, and their perfectionism combines with Saturn's organizational skills and accusation to make them highly demanding in everything they undertake. The position can also give problems with the lungs and nervous and/or digestive systems. In this placement, we will find people involved in the field of nutrition, healthy living, and all kinds of civil servants. Often we will find scientists but also any post needs special expertise and careful research or work. In difficult aspects, we may find problems in the person's relationship with money, fanaticism, and irritability. The person needs to develop more of a sense of humor and temper excessive criticism of life and people. His karmic lesson is to distinguish the essential from the insignificant. One may have to resolve issues of purity.
Saturn in Libra: in this placement, Saturn is in exaltation and thus has an extraordinary honesty and courtesy. There is practicality and people offer their help and support in every circumstance. It can show problems with marriage, especially if it is done at a young age. It favors relationships with age difference and marriages at an older age where the person is more mature. The placement may give problems with the kidneys. Judges, lawyers, legal advisors, and relationship advisors can be found in this position. We can find people related to social work and aesthetics. In difficult aspects, we may find anti-sociality and selfishness. The karmic lesson of the individual is to learn to be socially conscious and fair and to cooperate responsibly. Also to create bonds based on love.
Saturn in Scorpio: the person may have suppressed emotional energy and gives the impression of inner tension and anxiety. Individuals have determination and thoroughness that is ideal for investigations. Excellent business acumen and thirst for power and authority. The individual may have come into contact with injustice or been subjected to violence. They have excellent resilience in times of crisis. The tendency to impose themselves on others must be controlled, though. Strong intuition, and if the person is emotionally well-developed can also have strong empathy. They usually make good healers as they can take on the pain of others. In this placement, we will find problems with sexuality. These problems can often be physicalized into sexual diseases and generative problems. It can also show arthritis or cholelithiasis due to the accumulation of toxins and salts from the difficulty of elimination of these. In this placement, we will find investigators, detectives, psychotherapists, and professions related to death, violence, and anything hidden or underground. In difficult aspects, we will find self-destructive tendencies, vengefulness, and jealousy. Problems in financial or inheritance matters are also possible. The karmic lesson of the placement is to control authoritarian tendencies and emotions which can be destructive because of their intensity. Finally, people must temper their harshness.

Saturn in Sagittarius: in this placement, there is an emphasis on one's mental activity. The person can see the bigger picture as well as the detail. There is a developed ability to concentrate and a practical approach to life. They combine the cautiousness and common sense of Saturn with the enthusiasm of the Sagittarius sign. As a result, they have a restrained enthusiasm. Individuals require long studies and are dignified and serious in anything concerning morality or religion. People in this placement have a complex of knowledge as they always believe that they do not know enough. They have pride and there is generally honesty and outgoingness. In this position, you will find teachers, scientists, politicians, and anyone involved in philosophy, religion, sports, and publishing. We will also find professions related to foreign countries and cultures. Problems with legs due to poor blood circulation are likely, as well as problems with the liver and pancreas. In negative aspects, we find indecisiveness and a narrow mental outlook. It may show problems with studies, travel or people from abroad as well as problems with trade. The karmic lesson of the placement is to find a balance in one's duties - between overdoing things and neglecting them - as well as working with their innate knowledge complex. Finally, individuals may need to work with their faith.
Saturn in Capricorn: this is a Saturn ruling placement and people are ambitious and determined. Very often people are successful in this placement as they have perseverance, excellent organizational talents, stamina, and seek social recognition. The placement - in addition to a strong sense of responsibility and duty - also gives foresight and acumen; slow but steady progression. Usually, it also indicates good old age. In this placement, people may have problems with joints, teeth, and bones. Occupations related to this Saturn in Capricorn involve business administration, management, any profession related to duty and convention as well as positions related to history and vintage. In negative aspects, we will find coldness, loneliness, stinginess. The karmic lesson of the individual is to find a bridge between ego and service, joy and duty. Also, the individual must learn not to have others as stepping stones in order to succeed.
Saturn in Aquarius: in this placement, Saturn traditionally has its second rulership. Clearly therefore in this placement, we will find similar characteristics to those of Saturn in Capricorn. However, in this position, Aquarius manifests with more light-heartedness, independence, and willpower. And in this placement, individuals have a social responsibility and a strong sense of duty to society. They are generally friendly and have humanitarian tendencies. There is originality and innovation, though the eccentricity of Aquarius is not as strong as its sociability. He is fair, with cold logic and a scientific approach. In this placement, we will find problems with clubs and groups. On a physical level, it indicates problems with ankles and shins. The nervous circulatory system needs attention. We may also find anaemia. Great placement for people in the sciences, alternative therapies, anything innovative and eccentric, politics and clubs, or humanitarian causes. In difficult aspects, we can find a lack of ambition, cold friendships, pessimism about the future, and difficulty adjusting to social norms. The karmic lesson of the individual is not to be bigoted and opinionated but to apply one's ideals on a practical and social level and initiate change.

Saturn in Pisces : Saturn is not particularly strong in this placement as Pisces is a generally chaotic sign that suffers from distraction. In this placement, people take life very seriously and have heavy energy. The person often feels powerless to help, although they have the ability to sense the pain of others and experience it as their own. Individuals keep their feelings bottled up inside and in this placement we will find people who are difficult to forgive. They have a lack of self-confidence, phobias, psychological anxiety. Depression or addictions require special attention. This is a good placement for those involved in mental health. Good in professions related to hospitals, libraries, prisons, rehab centers. Excellent also in professions related to intuition, metaphysics, and art. In this placement, we will also see the problems with the feet and soles. In negative aspects, we will find problems with substances, allergies, delusions, and suicidal tendencies. The karmic lesson for the individual is to learn to clear their emotional field and not let negative energies linger in their unconscious. He must also learn to forgive and relax by giving a healthy outlet to his creative imagination.

Imaginarium Magazine Issue 12 January 2022