Dear Friends,
Tomorrow takes place the last eclipse of the year but also the last eclipse of the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, which usually lasts 1-2 years.
Eclipses signify important events in our lives. Normally there is no major event in a person's life without activation from an eclipse.
In the last couple of years the Mutable signs- Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and Virgo- are making major changes in their lives. Endings and new beginnings are afoot. Whatever is not working has to go, so there is space for something new to come.
This eclipse, then, that is becoming exact 7:42 UT is bringing a quality of renewal and joy.
It is a total solar eclipse and it will darken the sky over Antarctica and can be partially viewed in southern parts of Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and South America.
These parts of the World should expect some significant events, political, economical, social, or geological.
For the personal charts, this eclipse brings the renewal of our philosophy.
Matters related to our point of view as well beliefs will be challenged and eventually change. Our ethics will be challenged too. An existential crisis is also possible for the Mutable signs. Issues also regarding our freedom or happiness come to the surface.
We will have to face changes as a society with education, travel, wealth, and commerce.
Likewise, travelling, studying, publishing, or other mental, educational, and commercial activities will bring news and significant changes to personal horoscopes.
This eclipse belongs to the family of Eclipses Saros 5 South. This family started from the South Pole on 14/07/1787 and it will last until 12/08/3031.
And although this means nothing to us, a family of eclipses gives specific characteristics to an eclipse. Think like a hereditary quality that passes from mother to child.
The mother of this family was a joyful eclipse. As the New Moon was in the Midpoint of Mercury/Venus and the Nodes were in the midpoint of the New Moon/Jupiter.
Therefore there is a positive quality that brings good news, new love affairs, or the peak of a positive experience.
This is the hue, the overtone of the eclipse happening tomorrow.
Tomorrow's eclipse though is urging for a little caution as our new beginnings (mental, education, or commercial) might have an element of uncertainty, speculation, or blurred judgment.
For this please, when making significant changes or moves to all the above areas, don't throw caution to winds, examine all the factors, and organize properly.
Saturn's sextile is helping to find stability and plan properly your life.
Jupiter and Mars are in square, an aspect that also brings accomplishment but also warns for over-confidence, silly mistakes due to haste, or the lack of moderation. Careful with lawsuits.
It affects people who have planets or ASC around the 22-26th° of the Fixed Signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus born roughly the last ten days of their sign ).
This eclipse though doesn't lack the passion and the courage, the vision, and the determination, although it requires making adjustments, to face ethical dilemmas. Uranus is urging for change and progress yet the new reality is not easy to accept. We have to...
Neptune might cloud judgment but gives vision and Pluto/Venus conjunction brings passion and determination. same as the sextile between Mars/Pluto.
The relationships that have a financial or practical commitment will be benefited. Bonding is also possible. Later when Venus, on the 18th of December turns retrograde, we might see the renewal of relationship, or old ''acquaintances'' that come back. This retrograde period will primarily affect Cancer and Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) from 11-26°.
Finances will be either get a boost or go through major crisis/losses.
Good time to ask for your money back, if you people owe you money.
Sexuality and passion will be awakened and Love affairs will start (not necessarily with new people, might be someone from the past). With Venus in the sign of Capricorn though there is an element of practicality or financial commitment. Ask yourself, ''do I love this person, or simply our union is convenient?'' Crisis in relationships or intense experiences.
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse will form a trine with Chiron. Chiron is the healer. Heal yourself from the traumas and enjoy. Don't let the past block your future.
The third contact of the Titans -Uranus and Saturn- is about to happen again later on this month. Changes are necessary, life is a battle but yet you owe to yourself to stop a little and enjoy the moment. Life is moments after all. Enjoy a moment in love; enjoy the pleasure of success even if it is silly or sloppy; enjoy a book and stimulate your mind; enjoy the journey; enjoy friendship and contacts that make your life lighter, from time to time.
Our philosophy sometimes changes because of negative events, but more often than not, our point of view changes due to something small and joyous. And then you realize, you have spent so much time with a negative deeply rooted belief, that was not even yours...and yet a friend, a lover, a message, a small success, a journey, a book, a network...comes and just like that you...change.
This eclipse affects Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces from 7-17°,
those born around
29/5 - 9/6
30/8 - 9/9
0-2° of Gemini and Sagittarius will have a significant contact or relationship that will be 'karmic'. Closing and new beginnings.
It also affects everyone who has planets or ASC from 7-17°.
The effect of this eclipse will last until February 2022.
It will be activated on 31st December 2021 by Mars
and 22/2/22 by Jupiter.