Hello everyone! I hope you are having a lovely Sunday!
We are working hard to enhance our product list and give you more aesthetic objects that you would love!
A 125-page notebook with quotes by famous Victorian writers and personalities of the Era is now available in the Shop!!
A lined notebook for your notes, with parched paper and loads of graphics, and photos.
A notebook full of quotes about life, love, and spiritualism, beautifully decorated with photos and graphics, is helping you to learn lessons based on the values of the past and -why not?- how to navigate your life in the new modern world.
The Quotes are by Charles Dickens, Bronte sisters, Oscar Wilde, Keats, Shelley, Lord Byron, Jane Austen, and many more.
The 19th century is widely considered to be the Golden Age of English Literature, especially for British novels. It was in the Victorian era that the novel became the leading literary genre in English. English writing from this era reflects the major transformations in most aspects of English life, from scientific, economic, and technological advances to changes in class structures and the role of religion in society.
The Victorian writers have ''spoken'' through their work about this Golden Era when changes were big in society!
And yet, we still...even nowadays, we can relate to those words!
These notebooks are a lovely collection of quotes by our favourite Victorian writers and other figures of the Era, such as Prince Albert.
Reading the quotes while having your cup of tea and writing your thoughts, it would feel like you are having tea with the Victorians! And how wonderful this would be! Imagine having Charles Dickens as a guide to whisper advice to your ear and assist you through your magical life journey!
All that with the vintage and classy touch of the Golden Era.
Language English
Publisher: KDP
Available in the Shop but also on Etsy, and Amazon.

The notebook comes in two different covers:
The Rose and the Book
& The Old Photographs

I hope you like them. Please, feel free to contact if you have any questions. I hope you love them as much as I do!
Have a lovely magical half-term week.