A dark moon rises in the sky and I, with a heart full of memories, nostalgia and dreams, got up early to prepare the Supper of the Mother, the three-dimensional Hecate. May the Goddess of the Crossroads, the Mother of Heaven, Earth and Sea, bless my House. In a few hours she and her dogs will rise to gather the souls. It is my duty to leave her fruits, and nuts, and garlic, and eggs at the crossroads without looking back. To pray for the expectant mothers, is not my soul pregnant with all sorts of feelings tonight?
Time to pray for those who have gone to another life, who have changed ancestral land but also those who will be reunited. Time to clear the house of miasma, to leave it at the door to be taken by her and ask the blessing of hers, the patroness of the House. The Lady of Darkness always gives the greatest blessings to the house and her protection is a panacea to all evils.
I honour her tonight on the Dark Moon with a prayer and I will wait for her to come and give me her oracle.

28 June, and the moon is risen, dark as it should be, ready to bring forth the things to come with the seeds that I shall sow tonight.
I lit the candles, I said her Orphic Hymn, I distilled wine for her, a humble libation to the Daughter of Asteria, the Fountain of all Virtues. And there she was, the Lady came up with her dogs, listened to my prayer, drank my wine and tasted my fruit. Formidable form with black veils waving, hair untangled, and the place smelled of cardamom and pepper.
"Mother, my soul tonight is like the sea - deep and dark yet at times serene and healing. Half of it wants to nourish, to care and nurture, to give sacred milk, and the other half...longs to conquer and be conquered. Lilith whispers to me to rebel, to tear off my clothes, to become a sorceress, to devour like a wolf, to dance in the wild woods and with my dance, the blood, the masculine, to bow to my wild feminine power."
Mother smiled and her face softened.

"You, tonight, who bear the name of Life and Death, woman, mother, lover, vessel of holy water, accept death and life within you. Do not fight death, do not fight the boiling blood, do not fight the darkness. There is within us, Sacred Feminine we, Dark and Light at the same time. Embrace your power and do not fear it, I am here for you. Yes, rip off your clothes but go to the sea and collect 40 waves full of memories of all those who have betrayed you and been betrayed by you, hurt you and been hurt by you, life goes round and round... and release them back again, releasing every bad feeling, every curse, yours or your ancestors'. Leave it all at sea as it came from the distant oceans of Time and Saturn and accept the price, accept the score. Give thy milk to whoever desires it, but sell it at a high value, Thou of great worth. Sacred Gifts must not be squandered, or new punishments and evils will come to thy door."
As she went away I heard her dogs howl, the candles were blown out, the heart skipped but the soul was at peace as if the Wind had ceased to stir it. Yes, I am a witch, mother, goddess, virgin and lover, I am a sacred soul, I walk the realm of earth before I return to the sea of souls and face again Mother Hecate, Cybele, to give me a red ribbon to wear in my hair so that no matter how many years pass in the land of Souls and the red fades to pink and when I come back to earth again with a pure and girlish heart, I will love again, I will nurture again, I will bear again...

----The New Moon affects Cardinal signs, especially those with planets in the sign of Cancer at 5-9°. Also favorably affected are the other water signs at the same degrees again. There will be beginnings there. Need to nourish the soul and the
our house. The New Moon has tension but also enormous energy to accomplish what is needed. On a more psychological level Gemini and Sagittarians at 23 and 24 degrees will be affected.
Other degrees affected are 7° Gemini, and from 23-25° Aries-Aquarius-Aquarius-Leo-Gemini-Sagittarius-Libra. Lastly, an important time for those with planets or signs at 25-26° Pisces-Virgo.
Neptune is stationary to turn retrograde, Pluto retrograde meets Mars and Saturn retrograde is flirting with the Moon's Nodes and Mars. Lilith - the Black Moon's participation in the Cancer New Moon is also pivotal. Jupiter and Venus leave their favorable mark.
Anastasia Diakidi
