On 13 March 1781 came the greatest challenge to traditional astrology when Sir William Herschel observed with his telescope a strange body. 'Curious either nebulous star or perhaps a comet' was how the discovery of Uranus was described and eventually, astronomers discussed Herschel's observation and finally decided it was a new planet.
The planet had been observed earlier by the French astronomer Pierre Lemmonier (1815-1899) who had observed Uranus on 12 different occasions but never suspected that this body might be a planet. It sounds oxymoronic but also very 'uranian' that the discovery of Uranus was not made by an astronomer but by a composer, Herschel, who started stargazing as a hobby.
Along with the new planet came a new problem, the problem of naming it. Initially, Herschel suggested that it should be named Georges Star (Georgium Sidus) because of King George III. The name had a political connotation and fortunately the early astronomer Johann Bode came up with a better name. Since until that time, it was mythology that gave names to the new planets and as the new planet was after Saturn it was decided to name it Uranus. On 7 April 1884, Jérôme Lalande wrote to Herschel that the new planet's glyph was a sphere and above it was the first letter of its name. '[So] there you are, associated in spite of yourself with all the divinities of antiquity', these were the words of the French astronomer and of course, the symbol he was referring to was the astrological symbol of the planet as we know it to this day.
From then on a debate began which still exists today: did the name ultimately carry the qualities of the planet or the planet itself? How much room do we allow for mythology to determine the astrological interpretation of a planet? Modern astrologers associate Uranus with pioneering, unpredictable changes, freedom. All because Uranus was beyond the classical boundaries of the world up to that time. Of course, the fact that it was discovered in an age of discovery and invention where the old ways were slowly giving way to the modern age also determined the nature of the planet.
In a horoscope, however, early astrologers were not sure whether the planet could bring innovation or unconventionality (allow me to say that it is still true today as Uranus is one of the most difficult planets in forecast).
They began studies to see how Uranus functions in natal charts, especially when it is conjunct or opposed to other planets. John Varley (1778- 1842) was the one who did the studies on the new planet and natal charts and came to some conclusions, one of which was: "if Uranus was excited by Mars, there would be sudden or unexpected eruptions". Unfortunately, Varley learned this first hand. One morning he announced to his family that he had to stay home as something very serious was about to happen and he had to be present. At noon the house caught fire and Varley didn't even bother to help put out the fire but sat at his desk and started writing about the effect of Uranus. Unfortunately, he lost everything in the fire but he didn't care as he was so excited about the discovery of the new planet and its potential.
The horoscope of the first king who had Uranus in his natal chart is extremely interesting. This was King Louis XVI of France in January 1793. The chart had too many errors but it showed that Uranus was in opposition to the ascendant and the king was in danger of being violently destroyed. The prediction turned out to be correct as the king was taken to the guillotine in January of that year.
In 1881 Zadkiel (a pseudonym for astrologers who wished to remain anonymous or add mystery to their publication) published in 'An introduction to astrology by William Lilly with numerous emendations, adapted to the Improved State of the Science in the present day' :
"This is the most distant planet from the sun. His motion is very slow, as he takes 83 years 151 days to go through the twelve signs. The nature of H[erschel] (he calls Uranus, Herschel) is extremely evil. If he ascends or be with the chief significator in any figure, he denotes an eccentric person, far from fortunate, always abrupt, and often violent in his manners. If well aspected, he gives sudden and unexpected benefits; and if afflicted, he will cause remarkable and unlooked for losses and misfortunes. He is not so powerful as Saturn or Mars, yet can do much evil. Persons under his influence are partial to antiquity, astrology, etc., and all uncommon studies, especially if Mercury and the moon be in aspect to him. They are likely to strike out novelties, and to be remarkable for an inventive faculty. They are generally unfortunate in marriage, especially if he afflicts Venus, the moon, or the seventh house, either in nativities or questions."

The time when Uranus was discovered was indeed one of the most turbulent times in history as it marked the period not only of discoveries, as mentioned above, but also of revolutions. In the 18th century we have:
Industrial Revolution.
American Revolution (1775-1783)
The American Revolution (1789-1799)
Apart from these revolutions, where we clearly saw a change to the previous status quo with the people changing course and getting some rights, we also had the astrology revolution and, of course, this did not happen without a struggle. After the discovery of Uranus, astrology went through a crisis (with many causes that had begun to undermine the validity of astrology from the beginning of the Enlightenment) and these new planets in the previously known celestial sphere shook astrology's validity. Science and astrology alike went through their greatest crisis and the study and practice of astrology were banned under the Witchcraft Act of 1736. Astrologers were vilified and went through perhaps the greatest ordeal in their history.
Regarding the symbolism of Uranus, it was not only the synchronicity and events that occurred at the time that played a role in giving it its astrological qualities. Uranus has a strange orbit, very eccentric that is unlike any other planet. Of course, this fact puzzled and disturbed astronomers at the beginning of their study, but these astronomical peculiarities played a role in shaping Uranus' astrological nature.
Wikipedia explains:
''Thus, as Uranus rotates around the Sun and itself, it looks like it is "rolling" on its orbit. As its satellites and rings rotate perpendicular to the planet's equator, the whole system looks like a 'target'."
So as we can see we have an eccentric planet that based on synchronicity came to light at a time when we had social revolutions and of course, changed the traditional cosmogonic system we have known since ancient times. As we have seen, mythology contributed to the naming of the planet and since Uranus was located after Saturn, it took on the characteristics of the first God of the sky, who became the reason to clash with Cronus and to change the established order and the structure of the world with the Titanomachy.
The Mythology of Heaven and Psychological Astrology
Ouranos was the first god of the celestial realm. His mother was Gaia and his father was Chaos. Although Gaia was his mother, she also became his mate and every night Ouranos would sleep with Gaia. They had many children but all were very special. The first were the Titans, a race of giants who were the progenitors of the human race. Then they made the Cyclops and other monsters that had a hundred arms and fifty heads. Uranus was not very pleased with his children and did not let them live but put them back into Gaia's womb.
Howard Sasportas in his book The Gods of Change, at this point in the myth, explains how in psychological astrology this process happens to all 'uranian individuals' who are particularly creative but only have the vision, and when they create something they are very often disappointed with the result and try to destroy it. As the author explains this process happens to just about all humans with all the parts of ourselves that we don't like and try to eliminate. "A poetic way of saying that he banished them to the underworld of the unconscious and disallowed expressive life," he says.
Gaia of course didn't like the fact that Uranus wouldn't let her children live and put them back in her womb. To revenge him she made a steel sickle and had one of her children castrate the father. Cronus volunteered for the task and when Uranus went out as he did every night to lie with Gaia, he cut off his father's phallus and threw it into the sea. From this phallus, Aphrodite was born and from the blood of Uranus that was spilled on earth, the Furies were born.
The battle of Saturn and Uranus and the birth of both the Furies and Aphrodite explains in psychological terms the effects of Uranus on his great personal transits and the need for balance and harmony (Aphrodite) in order not to awaken any psychosomatic illnesses, neurological problems, and other psychological sufferings (Furies).

Psychological astrology has been able to analyse the transits of Uranus very much based on the above myth. The battle of Saturn and Uranus, and the birth of both the Furies and Aphrodite explains in psychological terms the effects of Uranus on his great personal transits and the need for balance and harmony (Aphrodite) in order not to awaken any psychosomatic illnesses, neurological problems, and other psychological sufferings (Furies).
Liz Green in her work Relate says about the Planet:
"Uranus is a symbol of the world of archetypal ideas, the underlying patterns of what in certain theological thought is called the Mind of God and what in Platonic doctrine is the scaffolding of divine Ideas which support the fabric of the universe. It is no wonder that we have a difficult time coming to terms with what this planet means in the individual psyche. In the individual chart, Uranus, the first god of the heavens and the spirit, seems to personify the need within the psyche to break free of identification with material reality and to experience the world of archetypal mind. So in traditional astrology, Uranus is said to symbolize the urge for change, for freedom, for invention and liberation, and for development of the mind beyond the realm of concrete thought bound by facts and empirical knowledge. Uranus has been called the Awakener, because the urge he symbolizes, like all unconscious contents, is projected. It appears to come back to the individual as a sudden event emanating from "without" which rips away the fabric of what he has previously identified as his reality, often in a highly painful way. At the same time, it allows him to glimpse the underlying collective idea upon which his small personal experience has been built. That the individual himself attracts this kind of experience usually escapes his realisation; it looks more like the hand of "fate". But one must recognise that his own psyche is his fate if he is to understand the meaning of what has happened to him and utilise the experience as it needs to be utilised as an awakening into larger consciousness."
Before the discovery of Uranus and the other ex-Saturnian planets we will examine in the next couple of issues, traditional astrology placed any sexual aberration on Saturn. With the discovery of the three outer planets, we now consider these as indicators of diversity. Specifically, with Uranus which as we have seen is a powerful collective animus figure, as Liz Greene calls it, we see that in a female chart if it makes aspects with the Moon or Venus, the two symbols of feminine expression, there can be a distortion of their natural instinctual expression. Many times a woman with these connections in her natal chart can feel torn between creativity/independence and her need for a relationship. Liz Greene points out that if animus is repressed in any situation it will lead to ''explosion'' with devastating consequences such as isolation, somatization, and illness - especially in the reproductive system - and self-destructive behaviours. Uranus in this case must be brought into balance with the Moon or Venus, but not suppressed. The same may be true in other aspects of Uranus with personal planets where there is a need to balance the needs of the animus with those of the personal planets.
Yet there are many who question the mythological nature of astrology. They refuse to take elements of mythology and apply them to astrology as this is not based on scientific data but on an arbitrary basis.
But we can see that regardless of the school of thought one follows, mythology, synchronicity, and astrology are most often connected in a very special way that shows relevance. Whether one wants to interpret Uranus on the basis of its mythological essence or on the basis of the facts of its discovery is open to study and of course questioning and experimentation.
The profile of a maverick
Based on all of the above, Uranus has acquired the profile of a planet that influences change, favours liberation, the eccentric and anything that breaks existing structures to create new and -possibly- better ones. Uranus is associated with experimentation and the risk that sometimes needs to be taken to come forward into the unknown and ultimately progress. The planet is associated with truth and anything radical and innovative, depending on the time and place.
He is considered revolutionary, however, his revolutionary nature is again determined by time, place, and culture. For example, what was revolutionary 100 years ago is not today. Different eras, different trends.
Uranus transits can bring out a lot of creativity and productivity in a person's life if, of course, the person does not resist change. If resisted one may suffer, mostly mentally but also physically and emotionally.
Uranus has been naturally associated with eccentricity. Eccentricity is a concept that suggests that the person is not in the centre. As mentioned above, the Uranus orbit confirms this eccentricity. The person affected by the celestial transit or natal placement is driven to eccentric behaviours without the slightest concern for how much they will upset society or even the rest of the world. Very typically, eccentric individuals say and act based on their own truth without caring if what they say or do will get them in trouble. A good example is Oscar Wilde, who never took into consideration with his sayings whether he would offend or charm with his wit. He ended up in prison but the truth is that he made no attempt to hide his true nature.
This is why Uranus is associated with truth and what others consider eccentric is simply one who does not intend to suppress their nature to please or show that they are in social harmony with others.
Uranus is an icy planet by nature and people who are strongly influenced by it have a charm and sex appeal which is however distant or even cold. Very often we will see cold beauty, or detached friendliness and unemotional sensitivity.
As mentioned above Uranus is also associated with the Universal Mind and the idea of connecting all people on an intellectual level. According to many astrologers, Uranian transits activate this ability to connect with the Universal Mind and receive original ideas or guidance to create something brilliant, innovative that will bring humanity to a new dimension, whether politically, socially, or scientifically. Even if we are not born for such great things, Uranus can -during major transits- somehow activate our subconscious mind and through it, we can come closer to our truth and find solutions to problems that have kept us bound for too long.
In a karmic horoscope, where past lives and past experience are studied, Uranus in a difficult aspect to the Moon's Nodes, as Steven Forrest suggests, indicates situations where the person has been through shock, abandonment, hit by sudden natural phenomena, revolutions, crimes, economic disasters, and other shocking events that have brought chaos. Also, Uranus can give outsiders and those who have not been able to have a normal life, especially when Uranus conjuncts the Moon's South Node.
In a karmic horoscope, Uranus in a difficult aspect to the Moon's Nodes indicates situations where the person has been through shock, abandonment, hit by sudden natural phenomena, revolutions, crimes, economic disasters, and other shocking events that have brought chaos.
Walking through the wreckage
In predictive astrology, Uranus transits in the natal chart portend sudden events that take us out of our comfort zone. Almost all astrologers find it difficult to predict what Uranus may bring in a transit, all that is certain is that expect the unexpected.
But Uranus aspects are not bad, at least in the traditional sense; they just put the person in a new situation that forces change. People who don't like change, especially the Fixed signs, find it very difficult to cope with the planet's "commands" and the result of the transit can seem disruptive and highly chaotic. Yet indeed many times Uranus challenges what we have built and many times brings ''earthquakes'' to our stable structures. Yet Uranus usually only messes up what needs to be changed or what is not based on truth. For example, the planet has a reputation for bringing breakups. If a relationship is based on self-interest or the members remain together only for practical reasons and are unhappy, then Uranus will bring a permanent breakup. This can be done by another person coming in who can wake them up and upset them, but this outside influence of the third person will not be the real cause of the separation. In true relationships that simply need a change in their routine, Uranus can bring very positive developments and the relationship can be renewed. But humans don't like change and Uranus is famous for its disruptive nature to anything that is rigid. People who do not want to confront themselves and the world are forced to lose much and confront the truth in the transits of Uranus.
Many times in a transit of Uranus the person who wants to free himself from his bondage suddenly finds the boldness and courage, and what he was afraid of until recently can now excite him. Sometimes, of course, we can see the person destroy something without a plan in their life, they just destroy for the sake of destruction. All he knows is that he just wants to break free. So the remnants of a situation that Uranus has just demolished seem devastating, yet what will be built on that rubble in the years to come may be truer, more beautiful, and perhaps more stable.
The issue of Rulership
In modern astrology, Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius, a sign that until recently was under the rulership of Saturn. However, there are still the traditional schools and many
other astrologers who do not agree with the assignment of Aquarius to Uranus.
The reason is that Aquarius is a fixed sign, while Uranus is a planet of upheaval. Many astrologers believe that Aquarius has begun to take on rebellious elements since it has been associated with Uranus, whereas until recently it did not have them.
Another issue that arises with the traditional and ex-Saturnian planets is the issue of rulership in general. Many astrologers do not recognize rulerships in the three ''transcendental,'' as they are called, planets, and retain the traditional rulers of the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, and Scorpio, which have now been assigned by modern astrologers to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. There is a belief, however, that the ex-Saturnian planets do not rule and this is due to the fact that they are planets that relate to society but also because they are so far away from us.
In some traditional schools the newly discovered planets are taken into account as Malefics, that is, as external factors that bring upheavals depending on one's field of action. They are not generally taken into account unless they occupy a very important place in a chart. For example, in horary astrology, there are schools that take the new planets into account, but there are also others that interpret a horary chart with only the seven classic 'planets'.
The Cycle of Uranus
The cycle of Uranus and the cycle of Saturn have an affinity. Uranus remains in each sign for 7 years. The three 28-year Saturn cycles make a full Uranus cycle (84 years). Uranus trines its natal position in the birth chart at about the same time that Saturn has made its first cycle, what is called a Saturn Return (again, when the transiting Saturn returns to the position it occupied at the time of birth).
42 years is very important for the person because that is when Uranus opposes his natal position in the birth chart. This period is the typical midlife crisis, as defined by psychologists, and is a critical point at which the individual re-examines his or her mental development, whether consciously or subconsciously. As mentioned above, the Saturn cycle and the Uranus cycle have an affinity. At 42 years the individual also has Saturn's opposition to their natal position. So it is a moment when these two transits remind us of the Titanomachy of mythology where the old and the new come into conflict, our constants with our need for renewal. Jung describes the midlife crisis as the moment when anima and animus both demand to be expressed. If either was previously repressed, the result will be a dramatic explosion that leads the individual to incomprehensible actions often disruptive. Many times when the individual has not been in touch with his subconscious the energy of Uranus will come from external events that will force him to make the required changes.
The fact that many of the major transits of Uranus in his natal position coincide with major transits of Saturn in his natal position suggests that there is a need to bridge an inner gap between boundaries and freedom, duty, and change. It is no coincidence that the difficult periods in the Uranus cycle with Saturn's involvement are violent, disruptive, with great anxiety, uncertainty, and turbulence.
At 84 years of age, the person has their Uranus return which is also a very important time for them as this is when we see many older people making some form of a breakthrough by trying things they have not tried all their lives or simply making a more intellectual turn and completing their great work as a legacy before the end. There are personalities whose Uranus Return found them very active, such as Churchill and Picasso, while Verdi wrote Othello at the age of 84.

Uranus in the Signs of the Zodiac
Uranus in the signs of the zodiac indicates how each individual expresses their individuality and also how they assert their freedom. It is believed that Uranus has a connection with the universal mind and therefore by its placement in the signs and its prominent position in a horoscope we can see how the individual receives innovative ideas and inspiration to solve his or her problems through the higher mind.
Uranus is a planet of truth, and in a sign, it indicates what motivates a person to follow their truth and also to fulfil their wishes, goals, and desires. We can see the type of friends he is looking for and also the groups he would like to join.
Clearly, the fact that Uranus remains 7 years in a sign - it is a generational planet - and given that all people born in the seven-year period have Uranus in the same sign, its placement in a house and the aspects it will make are what will further colour an individual's destiny on an individual and collective level. Uranus affects the masses, it affects us socially and universally. However, the individual who comes into a special connection through their horoscope with Uranus shows the relationship of that individual to society and how an individual can become a pioneer in a social issue or activity or social group. Through these we can see what is the difference between the individual and society, does the individual go along with or create his own future?
The placement of Uranus in each sign has of course a historical significance as through its passages in mundane astrology we can see the trends and fashion of the time, the revolutionary trends, and what can bring unrest and upheaval in the world.
Uranus in the 12 Signs
Uranus in Aries 1928-1934 & 2010-2019
Those generations were impulsive and capable of bringing forward new ideas with originality, directness, resourcefulness, and inspiration. They were characterized by anti-conformism and avant-garde, idealism, and liberal feelings. People who have this Uranus emphasised must learn to control their anger and impulsiveness and to promote their ideas for the good of humanity. In this placement, we will see pioneers in technological or even ideological matters. In negative aspects, this placement will give rebelliousness, strong egocentricity, individualism, and dangerous risk-taking. Attention needs to be paid to the lack of tact and bluntness that extends to the point of crudeness. The tendency to accidents and headaches due to nervous tension and rashness also needs caution. A person with afflicted Uranus in Aries may have explosive behaviour, political fanaticism, brutality, and a lack of discrimination stemming from a wounded ego. The placement is dangerous for revolutions and other extremist wars or uprisings. A typical example of Uranus in Aries is Hitler's rise to power and the Nazism that struck Europe (the dictatorship continued to consolidate with the change of Uranus in Taurus). In matters of fashion, Uranus in Aries brought selfies, the last time it was in that sign. Projecting the ego with straightforwardness now became fashionable through technology and social media.
Uranus in Taurus 1934-1942 and 2019- 2026.
This placement in modern astrology is considered Uranus' fall and is considered a quite bad placement for Uranus. The placement is associated with wrong choices that bring unexpected twists and turns, and upheaval. The sign of Taurus is not conducive to change as it is immovable and finds it difficult to break away from the fixed ways. Uranus' resourcefulness only works for practical or financial matters. Generations with that placement feel insecure with basic acquisitions as there is always an unsettling feeling that the status quo could be overthrown. Individuals should learn to detach themselves from their material possessions and work on their sense of value. Individuals who have this placement particularly emphasized may face external challenges that will cut them off from their attachments or bring financial losses. There are ruptures and problems associated with old values and ideologies. In negative aspects, we see abrupt economic changes, alienation from nature, and of course, the dictatorship that reached its peak during the period Uranus was in Taurus. This placement of Uranus -combined with the conjunction with Jupiter- brought crises and economic chaos in the period between '34-42. Not coincidentally it was a fertile ground for dictatorship. In the current years, Uranus in Taurus has brought the rise of veganism, revolutionary changes in diet and nature, changes in the financial system (see bitcoins), and not unlikely it might lead to the collapse of the banking system.
Uranus in Gemini 1941-1949
Uranus' placement in this sign suggests a generation of people who are destined to change the world with their ideas and intellect. They have a strong intellectual capacity as well as ingenuity and scientific abilities. They are the people who can start a revolution for independence and freedom. They want to study and learn new things all the time, as well as spread their ideas. They are people who are energetic but who often leave everything unfinished. In negative aspects, it may bring intense nervousness, a tendency to quarrel, incoherence, and also problems or alienation from siblings, as well as sudden changes in schools or studies. Caution as there is a risk of accidents when travelling and danger from siblings or neighbours. With Uranus in this position the treaty of American independence was signed and during the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation. During the passage of Uranus in Gemini in the 40s, there were major advances in transportation, communication, weapons, and intelligence-gathering technologies.
Uranus in Cancer 1949-1956
In this placement, clarity gives way to sentimentality and nostalgia for the past. Individuals have strong intuitive abilities and psychic talents. These people seek freedom through their emotional expression; there are traumas from early childhood that cause internal stress and neuroses. People with this placement are torn between the desire for quiet family life and the tendency towards a more carefree life. They are the generation that transformed family structures. Not coincidentally, with Uranus in Cancer, the role of women in the family began to change as women started to work away from home and become more independent. The house began to be filled with electrical appliances and tradition was shaken up. People with Uranus in Cancer have a modern aesthetic in their home and often make their space a gathering place for friends and other groups. There may be interest in communal living or family structures that are not based on blood bonds. Family and tribal relationships gained more freedom and less attachment during this period. However, from '49 to '56 we had uprooting and migration movements. Many people were forced to become estranged from their families after the war or even learn to function in new innovative ways in other countries where they moved to work. Difficult aspects will give sudden changes of residence, breaking off the bonds with their roots, depression, family instability but also nervous system sensitivity, moodiness, and erratic behaviours.
Uranus in Leo 1955-1962
With this placement, we have extraordinary self-confidence, dramatic ability, vitality and vigour, determination in everything that projects the ego of the individual. During this period love and art underwent much experimentation; creativity and self-expression were renewed. Individuals have a talent for self-expression and great inspiration which they must use for the good of humanity and not for their own personal promotion. Individuals also have leadership skills and are attracted to politics and power. There is a cold cordiality in social interactions but generally, the individual is pleasant and friendly. At the time when Uranus was in Leo the generation of those people were looking for freedom in love. It was the time when ideas about sex and relating began to change radically and we started to have free love...and big parties! At that time also new concepts in art, music, and theatre were discovered. The period '55-'62 is considered to be the first Golden Age of Hollywood (started earlier) and the first big stars of cinema became fashionable and made a big impact in the world torn by two World Wars. In negative aspects, it gives sudden pregnancies or problems with children. Austerity, authoritarianism, problems with authority figures, and also problems with the heart. Lack of cooperation but also stubbornness to have their way are also characteristics of this placement.
Uranus in Virgo 1962-1968
People with this placement have scientific and medical talents. Clear and objective analysis is what can make them excel in medical or other discoveries. This generation was pioneering in matters of work, health, and daily life. There was intense experimentation in nutritional science and work became more independent. One of the problems of the placement is the possible conflict between the conventional and humble life that Virgo seeks and the unconventionality in Uranus. Over-rationalisation and perfectionism can be great weapons but they can also become a cause for alienation of the individual either from the social group or from their own body. Individuals have an exceptional talent for practical solutions especially when it comes to working. In negative aspects, it can give neurological problems, problems or disruptions at work, lack of rebelliousness, materialistic use of science, alienation, and problems with animals or colleagues. We may also see hypochondriacal behaviours and misuse of drugs/medicines. In the years between '64 and '68 when both Uranus and Pluto were in Virgo, we had tremendous technological breakthroughs in science, work, ecology, and health. Industry and technology flourished, as did labour unions.
Uranus in Libra 1968-1975
This generation challenged relationships and marriage. Not coincidentally, divorce rates at that time skyrocketed while we had the liberation of relationships and the blossoming of the feminist movement. People with this placement have difficulties in their relationships as they cannot balance the need for the ideal relationship and the need for independence. Individuals are also particularly friendly, sympathetic, and willing to help friends or the community. They are also characterized by calmness and rationalization of emotion. The relationships and partnerships of these individuals are unconventional and have a need for open relationships with freedom and friendship between its members. Diversity is also embraced. Experimentation with new living arrangements, such as communal living and other social innovations is possible. The placement can give difficulty in marriage and ease in divorce. Traditional relationships that existed at the time were liberated, and couples no longer needed to be legally married. These individuals have a large social circle of friends. They abhor possessiveness and jealousy. This generation is pioneering in finding innovative ideas in partnerships as well as in justice. Progressive changes in law and justice, are often quite revolutionary, while new art and fashion forms break social crystallisations. Music and art incorporated electronic techniques. In negative aspects, it can give alienation in relationships, wrong attachment to aesthetic standards, excessive idealism, and also kidney problems.
Uranus in Scorpio 1975-1981
In modern astrology, Scorpio is considered to be an exaltation placement for Uranus. In this placement, intuition is very strong and we often see very talented healers, psychologists, and even surgeons. There is interest in esoteric subjects, metaphysics, and technology. This generation has been able to transform society on an economic and sexual level with new universal ideas. However, the position has its pitfall as individuals are capable of the best and the worst. They can be destructive with their ideas and there is a danger of sexual deviance, tendencies towards dictatorialism, possessiveness, jealousy, and spite. Individuals will need to learn to release their emotions in a controlled way rather than in uncontrolled or self-destructive outbursts. If the individual is able to transform himself, in this placement, we could find strong clairvoyance as well as great compassion and understanding. The placement gives personal magnetism, authenticity, and intense sexuality. Individuals can also excel in military professions as they possess strong and absolute military discipline.

Uranus in Sagittarius 1981-1988
Individuals in this placement love metaphysical research, travel, and exploration. They have a desire to expand their spiritual horizons, either through knowledge or through travel and other philosophical pursuits. This generation fights for friendship with all peoples and diversity. They have optimism but also faith in the future, and their religious inspirations may not be based on a doctrine but on an intuitive understanding of God. They are a deeply philosophical generation and value freedom more than anything else. This generation challenges the status quo and authority and fights for a society that is tolerant of any religious, educational, or even racial level. Individuals in this placement bring new ideas to education and religion. We also see in those years a revival of astrology and a new trend towards metaphysics. In negative aspects, we may find dogmatic attitudes, eccentric religions or social philosophies, atheism, excessive rebelliousness with non-acceptance of laws, and anarchy. Regarding the body afflictions, care should be taken with sciatica. In this placement, we will find very strong philosophical minds or at the other extreme, people who have no ideological background and adopt concepts based either on old philosophies and religious practices or parasitically on what supposed gurus teach them. Frictions come when people consider themselves philosophical or ethical but do not use knowledge and truth to change the world.
Uranus in Capricorn 1988-1995
In this placement, we have upheavals in power structures, the overthrow of governments, and political harshness. Individuals have political views, social ambitions, and a need for recognition. The placement also gives suspicion and distrust of authority figures and they question the status quo and traditions. They seek explanations for natural phenomena and do not accept anything that has no scientific explanation or practical basis. This generation seeks to change and reconstruct governments and works for the new order and the organization of he new society. In negative aspects, we will see cruelty, anarchy, dictatorship, excessive ambition. With this placement, we saw strong changes in government and business power structures. The yuppie style became fashionable. This generation is working for greater security in the future, in practical ways based on science and entrepreneurship.
Uranus in Aquarius 1995-2003
The placement gives great independence and originality and based on modern astrology Aquarius is the rulership placement of Uranus. The individual's thinking is scientific and we see a great interest in technology, the internet, and robotics. Individuals are talented in astronomy, astrology, artificial intelligence and aeronautics, and parapsychology. Professions in alternative medicine or therapies also suit them. Individuals are very inventive with a strong will but ideologies can be fanatical, authoritarian, and lacking sensitivity. Individuals believe that there is no real freedom unless all peoples live free and society as a whole is happy. At this time the New Age has entered a new basis and become fashionable. Individuals now understand religious concepts or spiritual energies from a scientific background. This generation is working for the brotherhood and dignity of man. New ideas are shaping society and individuals in this placement have humanistic tendencies and appreciate humanitarian/volunteer work. Disruptions may come when an individual's unconventional ideas serve not the common good but the personal good. In unfavourable aspects, we will see coldness, impractical eccentricity, and unwillingness to follow any system of discipline. At that time, global warming and ecological problems came to light and forced people and governments to start taking action for the planet.
Uranus in Pisces 2003-2011
In this placement, we will find strong humanism, vision, and solidarity for humanity. Religious systems such as yoga and eastern philosophies interest people who want to work more with their inner self and use more intuition rather than practical and rigid established scientific knowledge. Individuals may be interested in liberation from the shackles of materialism and seeking more of the Wisdom of the universe intuitively. Uranus in Pisces is motivated by the release of past spiritual and emotional influences and strives to overcome materialistic tendencies and bring a higher spiritual identity to the individual. In negative aspects, we will see the attempt to escape with drugs and alcohol, mental illness, utopian ideas, and perversion within ideologies. Attention should also be paid to impractical idealism, unreliability, and deception towards friends and groups.
PJ Μaxwell Stuart, Astrology from ancient Babylon to the present, 2012
Relate, Liz Greene, 1974
Astrology for the millions, Grant Lewi, 1940
Howard Sasportas, The gods of change: Pain, Crisis and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, 1989
The Astrologers Handbook, Francis Sakoian & Louis S. Acker, 1974
Imaginarium Magazine Issue 13
Anastasia Diakidi
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